Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It looks like keeping up with two blogs and a two year isn't the easiest feat during pregnancy, therefore explaining my lack of updating Pregnant and Fabulous since eck, February? Sorry..

As it turns out my due date has come and gone (ok, it was yesterday so slack will be cut)...But I will say that I'm feeling kind of patient and could easily do the the whole 'pregnant and fabulous' routine for another couple of weeks, I'm probably exaggerating...

But here's what I've been wearing in the many weeks I haven't updated...Xo

I will you keep you updated if things change....


  1. Everybody everywhere is doing maxi dresses today- did you enter one of those? So cute!

  2. Wow some fabulous clothes there hun :D

    Good luck with everything!!

    Sal xXx

  3. Hi! I found your blog and I like it so much! you look really great in everyone of this outfit, you are wonderful and I love your paunch!
    Come and visit my blog, and if you like it, follow me, I'll be waiting for you!

    Cosa mi metto???

  4. wow!!! sexy hot mama!!! hows you and your babay? hope you could post pictures of your lovely angel too.. your still beautiful even though you were pregnant... love your blog... following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too... kissess!!!


    ENTER MY INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY! WIN A SATCHEL AND FABULOUS ACCESSORIES! HERE'S THE LINK--> http://voguelyvan.blogspot.com/2011/09/september-october-international.html

  5. these are all super inspirational for pregnant women!


  6. Too bad you didn't post any underwear pics showing that sexy pregnant belly, but I love your belly button poking through your tight dress.
